Save the Dates!
Hope you can join one or more of our free classes in early 2025

Who are we?
The PGI Green Thumbs is a nonprofit volunteer organization whose mission is to enhance the green spaces of our community. We establish and maintain gardens and parks to provide places of beauty and education for our visitors. The Punta Gorda Nature Park, located in the heart of the city, is our current primary focus.
PGI Green Thumbs depends on donors and volunteers to develop and maintain the gardens. We set aside 10% of all funds received for an endowment. This ensures future financial health of the Nature Park gardens, allowing future generations to enjoy this lovely masterpiece.
Please consider supporting us with your cash donations, either deposited in one of our collection boxes in the park or by mail sent to 1368 Willet Court, Punta Gorda 33950. If you provide your address, a receipt will be supplied.