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Our Volunteers


Volunteering at Nature Park can take many different forms. Some volun-teers enjoy having their own garden bed that they take ownership of. Other volunteers like to just come and work on a particular project. Most of us gather on Friday mornings to work as a group, others come on different days that suit their schedule. What works for you works, for us. Come by and check us out!

Some of our members receiving a Nature Conservancy Award

A few quotes from our volunteers on why they do what they do.

"I love taking a rather forlorn looking area and turning it into an attractive inviting place to enjoy. Our gang is great and I’ve learned so much about plants in Florida. I’m proud of what we have done."




"I’ve been a plantaholic longer than I can remember! There is no place I would rather be than in a garden.  The Green Thumbs team couldn’t be a better group of friends performing magic in our sandy soil. Our beautiful gardens make me smile every time I pass by. My reward comes from those visiting the park or just driving by and shouting out a compliment.

I am proud to be a Green Thumb!"


"We are seasonal and live in a condo, so working in the Nature Park provides the perfect outlet for my gardening itch.  When we first moved here, I would see the volunteers hard at work on Fridays and decided I wanted to be part of that effort. Every one who volunteers is super friendly and welcoming. It is a simple and small way to give back to our community."


"Its a beautiful, guiet, peaceful place, close to home and allows me to do something for the community that I enjoy. Also to be with other like minded people is such a pleasure and fun."


"I love gardening and being outdoors.

I like learning about plants.

I like making new friends.

Love being a part of Greenthumbs!"


"I love plants, landscaping and seeing the fruit of our labor every time I drive by the park. It is fun to make a difference where you are planted."


"I have always enjoyed plants and flowers

I enjoy working as a team!  Great combination!

We have a wonderful group who also enjoy working in the beautiful nature park! I am very proud to be on the team!"


"It brings joy to my heart. I look at it as a chance to create something that we can share with our community. It is rewarding to see so many people enjoying our creation. I guess it all comes down to people.  So, LIFE IS GOOD!"


"To give back time with a wonderful bunch of people."


"I like to participate with community members to improve our community."


"I love the garden!  I love the people!" 


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